

Marcellise. The multivarietal vineyard

Marcellise is Brigaldara's youngest vineyard. Borrows its name from the homonymous municipality, cultivated since 2004.

Thirty hectares, twelve of which are planted with Corvina, Corvinone and Rondinella while a vineyard is planted with Garganega - dedicated to the production of Soave. A small part of Marcellise is planted with Oseleta, an authoctonous and almost forgotten grape variety, often blended with Corvina and Corvinone for the production of Amarone wine. Marcellise can be divided into three distinct areas according to the soil-type and every grape variety is planted where it can express its best.


Terreno Orti Manara

Located in a flatland area, there are about twelve hectares of Corvina and Rondinella recently palnted with guyot training system. The soils are clayey, with a small percentage of silt and sand, which favour alcohol and sugar concentration, an excellent starting point for Ripasso and Valpolicella.

La Bianca

Next to Terreno vineyard, there is Bianca, named after its owner, Bianca Zamboni Montanari, a close family friend. It is a vineyard of about ten hectares located between the plain and the foot of the hill. The soil here is lighter, with grater quantities of sands and pebbles. Most of the Corvina and Corvinone vines are around 25 years of age. They offer fragrant grapes that are very suitable for drying, with typical notes of morello and maraschino cherry. Two of the ca. ten hectares are cultivated with Garganega grapes to produce Soave.


Turra borrows its name from its previous owner. A seven-hectare vineyard, entirely distributed on a hillside, westerly exposed and planted using both Pergola Veronese and Guyot training systems. Qualitatively, it is the best vineyard in this area and its grapes are used for the production of Amarone. It gives perfectly ripened grapes which originate full-bodied wines with great structure and roundness.

From this vineyard we produce
